

It will move into a vacant spot next to Saffron Indian Cuisine.

A new boutique fitness facility is planning on setting up shop in the Broadlands. It’s called Eat the Frog Fitness and per the company’s website, it “is the only small group training program that combines Olympic inspired training, cutting edge technology, and the science of your body for the most advanced workout in the market.”

Olympic gold medalist Bryan Clay is one of the founders.

The new fitness center is going into the Broadlands Marketplace, also known as Southern Walk Plaza. It will take the corner unit next to Saffron Indian Cuisine and Rubino’s Pizzeria. The space was previously an orthodontics office.

The Washington state based Eat the Frog has 10 locations open around the US and another 13 in the works, including the Ashburn center.

In case you’re wondering — the odd name of the business comes from an old Mark Twain saying: “Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” The idea being that once you tackle the hardest part of you day (fitness), the rest of your day (and your life) gets better.

Or something like that.

Images: Eat the Frog Fitness
  1. Ben 6 years ago

    Any update on when Broadlands LA Fitness will start construction? It still looks empty inside

  2. wellisn'tthatspecial 6 years ago

    you know you’re running out of names when you call a gym “Eat the Frog”.

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