It’s the day many commuters in Loudoun County have been waiting for. The intersection at Lexington Drive and Route 7 in north Ashburn is no more.
A little after 10 a.m. Monday, work crews rolled large orange barrels into the intersection and set up barricades, closing off Lexington to the north and south of Route 7. Loudoun County sheriff patrol cars with flashing lights warned drivers to slow down as workers got busy covering up and removing the traffic lights that allowed people to navigate the intersection.
The Burn first broke the news about Oct. 7 being the closing date last month. (See our report here.)
While the new road configuration will be a inconvenience for some residents in the area and the folks at Blue Mount Nursery, which sits at the former intersection, it will be a relief for thousands of drivers who take Route 7 each day and saw major backups at the intersection during rush hours.
Drivers who need to reach businesses off Lexington Drive will now need to exit at Ashburn Village Boulevard to the west and make their way along Riverside Parkway on the north side of Route 7 and and Russell Branch Parkway and Atwater Drive on the south.
In recent years, overpasses have been built at other intersections along the highway, but Lexington Drive was a sticking point. With it gone, drivers can go from Sterling near the Dulles Town Center mall all the way to Battlefield Parkway in Leesburg without stopping. And plans for an overpass at Battlefield are underway.
Thanks again for all your spot on information. Your site is better than any “news” site for keeping up with local NoVa.
You just made our day, Anne.
This is great news! This single traffic signal would often cause major back-ups, and knowing plans are in the works to do an overpass at Battlefield Parkway is cause for motorists to be very happy with the plans for Route 7 improvements! Now, if they can work on the exits from Route 7 to Route 15 to make that an easier transition and stop motorists from trying to break into the exit lane traffic that would be the next project for Route 7, I’d hope!
The close of the intersection isn’t an inconvenience to the owner of the business. Yes our commutes can be a bear but that business employees multiple. I sincerely hope they can stay afloat.
Wonderful news
So glad to hear this
It’s about time is the understatement of the day
Wonderful news
So glad to hear this
It’s about time is the understatement of the day
Battlefield is a much bigger sticking point than Lexington, so that will be great. It’s nice to see these steps get rolled out over time. I don’t know why they couldn’t keep a turn off at Lexington for The business and residents though.
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