The Goose Creek Village shopping center is becoming a hot spot for after-school enrichment businesses. The latest — the recent opening of The Coder School, a center that teaches children computer coding.

The Coder School is a nationally franchised brand founded in Silicon Valley in 2014. According to their website, there are 46 locations open. The one here in Ashburn is the first in Virginia.

As previously reported on The Burn, Goose Creek Village will also soon be home to a Stemtree center and a Russian School of Mathematics center. Worthy of note — all three are focused on the so-called STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, math) that are a major part of education in the 21st century.
The new school sits in between The Burger Shack and the Social House, across the parking lot from the Harris Teeter. Goose Creek Village is at the intersection of Belmont Ridge Road and Sycolin Road.