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Deceased victim found after fire destroys three Ashburn homes

(UPDATED 6 p.m. 3-29-22) One person has died after fire swept through an Ashburn home early Tuesday morning, the flames leaping to neighboring homes and causing tremendous damage there as well. Fire officials announced the discovery of a victim in the ruins Tuesday afternoon. Eleven other people were displaced by the blaze.

Image courtesy Loudoun County Fire & Rescue

Loudoun County Fire & Rescue announced the cause of the fire was determined to be accidental — the source being improperly discarded smoking materials. In total, the fire did an estimated $4 million in damage to four homes.

Fire officials say multiple calls started coming in to 911 just before 1:30 a.m. Tuesday about a home on fire on Nashua Street in the Belmont Greene community off Belmont Ridge Road. Fire crews from Ashburn, Lansdowne, Moorefield and Leesburg responded.

One house was fully engulfed and crews began fighting the fire from outside. Two of the residents in that home were able to escape, but a third person was missing. The body of that person was later found among the ruins. The victim’s name and cause of death have not been released yet.

The two others who escaped were transported to Medstar Washington Burn Center for minor injuries.

As firefighters battled the blaze, winds soon spread the flames to the homes on either side. A fourth home also had some fire damage to its roof and siding. Nine adults and two children have been displaced by the fire.

The Fire Marshall’s investigation is continuing.

  1. Gina 3 years ago

    How can neighbors help the displaced families?

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