
Ashburn’s Moorefield development proposes 900,000 s.f. of retail, office space

There is new information about the next phase in what is known as the Moorefield development near Ashburn’s future Metro station. Plans filed in late March with the county call for some 2,000 new residences and roughly 900,000 s.f. of retail and office space.

The area in question is the huge tract of land on the south/west side of 267 near the Metro station. It includes the large, mostly undeveloped land along the north side of Loudoun County Parkway as you head towards Brambleton from the Greenway.

Collectively, the entire area is often referred to as the Moorefield development, after Dr. Claude Moore, a wealthy physician who once owned much of the land in the area.

“Moorefield, a 600-acre transit and trail oriented community, is located in eastern Loudoun County, Virginia and within the Ashburn community,” the project’s website reads. “Miles of trails and community parks will blend the natural elements of Moorefield seamlessly with the countless urban amenities. Offering a broad mix of uses, Moorefield Station will feature a variety of residential types, business opportunities and so much more.”

The 2,000 residences in the next phase are listed as “multifamily units” — this definition could include townhomes or apartments.

As for the retail and office space, there are no specific businesses or brands associated with the project.

And the timing is nebulous too. According to the filings with the county — the next phase will be developed in pieces stretching from 2025 all the way to 2035.

And some of that will be contingent on “market conditions.” In other words — they may not start building retail, for example, until the demand is there or they have tenants signed.

  1. Jeffrey Contompasis 3 years ago

    “…huge tract of land…” You just made this Monty Python fan’s day.

  2. Michael Janos 3 years ago

    2000 residences = amount of additional traffic cogestion = $$$$$ tax revenue = how many schools(overlapping developments throughout) = what’s the benefit again?

  3. Michael Crossman 3 years ago

    Its better than a Data Ceter

  4. Roger Smith 3 years ago

    “Its better than a Data Ceter”


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