On Monday, The Burn reported that — by all appearances — the Kovi Kitchen Asian Street Food restaurant in Leesburg had closed.
Their website had disappeared. Phone number was disconnected. Store was locked and dark during hours they were supposedly open. Multiple attempts to reach someone at the restaurant had failed.
In our report, we said if we found out differently, we’d let you know. Well, we’re letting you know. The owner — a nice guy named Marco — reached out to us and said, yes indeed, they are still in business.
Kovi Kitchen opened in 2019, but Marco only bought it in 2022. He’s had trouble updating the Facebook page and wasn’t aware that the hours listed on social media and Google were wrong for the store.
The store is currently open seven days a week from 12 noon to 7 p.m., except occasionally when they have a big catering job with the Kovi food truck. Not having a large staff, they will sometimes close the store to handle the catering.
They’ve got the website back up and running and Marco is going to try and update other information online and update the hours on the front door of the store.
But his main message to his loyal customers — as well as any new customers — is that Kovi Kitchen is open for business.